Lightsheet microscope: Miltenyi/LaVision Biotech Blaze Ultramicroscope

The Blaze Ultramicroscope is a lightsheet microscope which is designed for capturing 3D structures of embryo scale samples. Unlike epi-illumination, lightsheet decouples the illumination and detection light path. This allows for optical sectioning at 3.8um using widefield cameras. Cameras are an order of magnitude faster than point scanning methods such as confocal. Lightsheet requires samples to be naturally optically transparent or cleared using methods such as, BABB, iDiso, Clarity, Scale etc.

Blaze has three objectives (1x, 4x, 12x) and four zoom levels (0.6x, 1x, 1.66x, 2.5x) resulting in twelve levels of magnification between 0.6x & 30x.

Objectives Tube Lens Zoom Laser Lines Camera Frame
1x 0.66 405nm  
4x 1.0 488nm 2048×2048
12x 1.6 561nm  
  2.5 640nm  
